Thursday, August 21

Where do I go?

The Esplanade, Sailmaker Beach, Remo... romantic names and possibly destinations for passionate lovers. Or are they just sketches of an imaginary world by a famous novelist? No!! They're for real in Avente, on Alphanor. A place you must see!

The Grand Esplanade unfolds: people in fashionable clothes to the latest taste, cafe's and restaurants with trendy food and delicate wines, shops with the finest clothes money can buy, the Thaumaturge ocean, a faint but pleasant fragrance in the air and then as a final topping.... the skies in amazing colors painted by Rigel. The traveller stands there... amidst all of this and inhales with all his senses this awe inspiring mix.

And away from the Esplanade? Some of the things you might encounter on your city tour of Avente: magnificent buildings with gravity defying architecture, pavilions with shrubs and wild flowers competing in brightness and color, water works shedding cooling mists on warm days or maybe go for a more intense experience? Try a Sandusk food shop in Ard Street, but this is only for the really strong stomachs...

- Clip from a featured article in "Stunning", a monthly magazine for travelers within the Oikumene.

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