Wednesday, August 20

Remains of a Hormagaunt

"... The tissues are probably 400, but maybe even 500 years old. We're not sure yet and are still calibrating our equipment. It's difficult to examine a body that has been around for so long while using equipment calibrated for a normal human lifespan. We're crossing boundaries here..."

"... We've found a very large pineal gland. Extremely large. The normal size would be about 5 to 8  millimeters. The subject's was well over 15 millimeters. Appendix B7 supplies pathological details, biopsy imagery together with detailed comments on the pineal gland and the diverted tissues found..."

"... There was no obvious sign of aging. Without any insight on this specific case or any prescision instruments, I would estimate this to be a body of someone in his early thirties...."

"... We are currently investigating the brain tissue in more detail. It appears that the brain is slightly larger than normal - probably 10% - and we found one unknown piece of tissue of which the precise function is yet unknown..."

"... To be plain: we've got a body born between 1000 and 1100, clinically at least 400 years old but looking like a 32 year athlete. I'm baffled..."

- Authopsy on the remains of Kokor Hekkus, a paper by Rachael Thymms, Senior biologist at Sea Province University, Avente

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