Monday, August 18


Authorities of Harrison Fields, one of Avente's larger space ports, reported the arrest of a man traveling with a false identity. The exposure was not deliberate as the man was not on any "wanted" list, but the new biometric detection devices used on all Avente's space ports triggered an unknown - and undisclosed - discrepancy between the man's ID and his biometric profile.

Interesting aspect is that there's a persistent rumor that the arrested traveller is not human, but a specimen from Gnarumen - a Star King! It could well be that the new biometric devices are part of an Oikumene-wide effort to get a grip on the movement of Star Kings within the Oikumene. Although they are allowed to travel to and from the Oikumene, it's required that they disclose their identities upon arrival. This visitor had obviously not done that.

The new detection devices are developed and manufactured by Mishukone Technologies, a high tech company based on Krokinole. Mishukone was acquired five years ago by All World Investments, an extremely successful capital investment company. Shareholders are - without exception - highly ranked members of the Institute, although executives of the Board have always denied any ties with the Institute.

- Item posted in "The Concourse Herald"

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