Thursday, July 5

Tablet 1710-A1B10 from Fomalhaut

"When all is done and [completion: ? possibly: reference to an important goal] stares at you with [reference to an unknown metalurgic compound] eyes[1], there's not but one [road: journey, path, goal] left to travel. Our road is marked and clear. The final [destination: ? possibly: level, universe] welcomes us...?"

[1] There's nothing known yet about their physical appearance. The word used refers to "visual recognition, blurred by overwhelming emotion"

- Partial translation of Tablet 1710-A1B10, found at the archaeological site on Kummer, moon of Fomalhaut IV in the Fomalhaut system. The relics are the remnants of a - probably non-human - civilization that disappeared about 10.000 Earth years ago.

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