Monday, August 18

The younger years

... Born on Earth, young Tyron spent the most part of his youth in Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. His father, a biologist working for Marine Affairs of British Columbia, died under mysterious circumstances when Tyron was 4 years old. His mother remarries shortly after the death of her husband with Eughen Denningstahl, a fellow of the Institute in his 50th phase.

At the age of 18 Tyron moves with a friend to Vancouver to start his study of physics at the University of British Columbia. He displays an unorthodox attitude towards some of the widely accepted rules of physics which he ventilates in some of his earlier papers. It is this attitude that would eventually lead to him do one of the biggest discoveries of all time. But not before the Institute gets hold of him. At the age of 23 he meets with Thelma Beulance, then a fellow of phase 88 and Tyron decides to drop out.

Ms. Beulance - a woman of exceptional beauty and a rising star within the Institute - wraps the inexperienced Tyron around her finger and they disappear from public life. There's very little known about their lives. Ms. Beulance owns properties on Olliphane, Krokinole and Alphanor but they never appear to live there.

Tyron Russ reappears 10 years later as the author of the famous article "Bipolar Electrons" in "Physics Society", the authoritative magazine on latest developments in modern physics. Russ signs the article as "Tyron Russ, fellow of the Institute, phase 75", an exceptional ranking given his relatively young age of 28 years...

- Excerpt from the first part of "Tyron Russ - The man, The machine, The Institute" in Cosmopolis. It must be noted that the Editor in Chief received a letter from the Instute in which Cosmopolis was asked not to publish the series on Tyron Russ. There was no reason given nor a motivation for the request. Needless to say that Cosmopolis ignored the request and published...

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