Saturday, June 23

Finest moment...

There's no other flower which represents the beauty of Earth's vegetation as good as the sunflower. Every born Earth man or woman will feel an aching pain of homesickness while being away from Earth and seeing a picture of this magnificent flower, as it will remind of summer, blue skies, warmth of sunshine, cool drinks and the singing of little birds.

I see you there in glory shining bright,
Following the sun and its path of light.
Standing tall above all others in the field,
You grow, conquer, and do not yield.

(unknown Earth Poet)

I dare to go as far as to say that the sunflower is the most impressive, most powerful and the most beautiful flower among all flowers of the known worlds. The simplicity of its shape, the vibrancy of its colors... it was probably one of the Creator's finest moments when the sunflower was brought into our universe....

From "A Galaxy of Flowers" by Waldo Hammer, biologist, New Amsterdam
Note by Finn: "A Galaxy of Flowers" is currently in reprint. There may be a backlog in orders.

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